Spiriferous Polarity

Ennead United

4 Asymmetric Ovals



Lucifer's Mask

Central Symmetry

Metaphorical Analogy

Ascendant Complexity

Copyright 2016 Rich Widows

Inter-dimensional Intersection

Lovelace Vindication

Gilded Spiral Polarity

ITERATION IMAGES  from Rich's Algorithmic Art creations

UNWORLDLY IMAGES  from the computer of Richard Widows

Hallucination Palace

Asteroid Jewel

The digital image’s name is inspired by Ada, Countess of Lovelace, who collaborated nearly 200 years ago on development on an early mechanical computer and is considered by some as the world’s first computer programmer. Countess of Lovelace, born as Augusta Ada Byron, was an accomplished mathematician and the only legitimate child of the famous poet Lord George Gordon Byron. While still a teenager in 1834, Ada Lovelace began a collaboration with Charles Babbage on programmatic applications for his mechanical “Analytical Engine”—arguably the world’s first general-purpose programmable computing machine (which, like modern computers, was designed to employ sequential commands in programs controlled by punched cards and incorporating branching, looping & recursive processing). A pioneering “computer program” by Ada Lovelace incorporated an algorithm she created to produce a complex sequence of special numbers. She described herself as an "Analyst & Metaphysician" & was alone in believing that machines like Babbage’s were capable of going beyond mere number crunching and were capable of performing more general tasks such as manipulating symbols and letters of the alphabet in accordance with programmatic rules (as modern computers do). A prescient Ada Lovelace quote: "We may say most aptly that the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves."

Bovine & Offspring

Asteroid Chip

Polygonal Plenum

Weaving a Conspiracy

Transdimensional Visitor

Dimension Contention


Most “automata” images are created by “seeding” a point on a surface and then propagating it by running through an algorithm thousands or even millions of iterations. The algorithm typically controls attributes such as the placement of new points and the colors of points (see the “Holiday Design” image on the Automata Art page of this site). The process is somewhat analogous to creating an image on a page one dot at a time.

The “Central Symmetry” image at right was begun as an automata image on a page. But the initial image went through a number of iterations (hence the name “Iteration Images” of this page) from one page to another, using automata-like rules to resident of each page modify it from the image on the preceding page.  Instead on a single initial seed, several points were “seeded” with different attributes (in this case colors). In addition, the positions of the initial seeds were intentionally asymmetrically positioned. Against expectations, the resulting image at right turned out to largely symmetrical in shape, pattern and distribution of colors.

So in this case at least, “creation” tilted toward “structure” even after being “seeded” with different colors spaced asymmetrically.